Premise: Environment & Character Development

Above, a more detailed look at a composition extracted from my storyboard/ animatic. It reveals a small wooden cabin within the forest, spirits fill the frame. I added a layer of brown over the drawing to act as a filter, the outcome looks overcast, atmospheric  and successful. This concept accurately conveys the mood I hope to achieve in my final animation. 

Above, shows my moon spirits working clothing designs. She needed more detail and interest, so I focused on layering fabrics and jewellery accessories. I went forward with the far right design, but I removed the gold tassels; felt this might be challenging to model. However, I may be able to recycle the modelled rope around her waist to use as the gold tassels, so I therefore won't discard the far right design completely. 

Above, some character pose experiments. Focusing on the main character, the moon spirit, and exploring her mannerisms.

Above, I explored facial construction for the moon spirit using references. Each face is slightly different, but I tried to replicate the clothing on each. I feel this spread of designs is more confident than the ones above.
