Character Modelling: Yang


Starting with a cube, I gradually built the character's silhouette.

I tried to keep the character in one piece of geometry. This involved lots of problem solving, extruding and bevelling on the model's lower half. 

I slowly introduced details like the belt and clothing layers. 

The belt was especially problematic, and I decided to model this separately.  

Using a separate piece of geometry for the belt gave me flexibility to work with its ambitious shapes and forms (knotted rope).  

I recycled the tassels from Gin's model to use on Yang. 

I also experimented with additional tassel placement. 

Yang's simple leg design worked in my favour by saving lots of modelling time. 

I chose to use colour and opacity maps for the models string accessories rather than modelling them. 

I used this same method for the characters scarf ribbons, which will be rigged for a flowy effect. 

Finally, I created Yang's cloak. This will be a very sheer and mostly opaque fabric.

Once modelling was complete, I laid-out the character's UV's.

Above, a side view render of Yang.

Above, a rear view render of Yang. 

Above, a second side render of yang.

Above, a front view render of yang. 
