Following on from 2021's Vertex conference, I decided to carry out some research into VFX concept art as part of my Premise project by developing on my careers pack. I was exposed to the term 'VFX Concept Artist' during a talk with Bimpe Alliu, Steve Tappin, and Jason Horley at their Vertex panel, who are all familiar with this professional field of work. I was intrigued by their emphasis on 3D modelling alongside traditional drawing, VFX therefore seems an ideal career path for me as I don't wish to focus on solely one form of art. By layering the two styles of visual work, a VFX concept artist can construct grand and accurate outcomes with efficiency. The list of images below are examples of Steve Tappin's workflow, using traditional 2D drawing assisted with 3D modelling:
Steve Tappin:
STAGE 1 - using a biro and paper to produce hundreds of rough sketches for a client to choose from. |
STAGE 2 - Zooming into a few successful sketches and developing. Using small amounts of value. |
STAGE 3 - Using previous sketches to model a 3D version of the asset. In this example, this stage fills any mechanical uncertainties and adds detail. The model can be moved and lit quickly and easily within its 3D software. |
STAGE 4 - The 3D asset can be rendered out at a desired angle and imported into Photoshop. Then, it can be drawn over. The model works as a perfect and accurate reference. |
STAGE 5 - The final image with colour and scale using character interaction. Only the most significant areas of the composition are given detail. In this image, we notice that the background is only suggested with shape, because it isn't as significant as the action in the foreground. An image like this would be shown to a director for a few seconds as an attempt to sell a design or sequence e.t.c. |
Jason Horley:
Similarly to Steve Tappin's VFX Concept Art work (above), Jason Horley uses a similar method of 3D Assisted illustrative work, this can be seen in the two images below:
Image 1 - this 3D model would've been supported my many hours of developmental work. This is relatively finalised. |
Image 2 - Jason has rendered out the model and digitally drawn over the character. In this example, Jason has used shape reference and lighting reference from the 3D model. |
Wayne Hagg:
Wayne wasn't panelling at Vertex, but his 'Artstation' account demonstrates his professional VFX concept art process, seen below. These images are more vague regarding process and emphasise a dramatic 'before' and 'after' instead. Wayne would have created these VFX scene extensions with a mixture of digital modelling, photo editing and illustrating to create these monstrous matte paintings.
Image 1a- The blue screen would've assisted Wayne to remove the unwanted background. |
Image 1b - Wayne composites a completed matte painting onto the scene and blends it all together using smaller details and lighting. |
Image 2a - The 'before' image, we clearly see the film crew and gear within the shot. |
Image 2a - the 'after' image, this scene has been extended to cover the film crew. |
VFX Concept Artists:
VFX (visual effects) is the process of combining CGI with filmed footage to create scenes that wouldn't otherwise be possible. A VFX concept artist has the role of visualising the impossible before a director decides to start production. This job not only requires the creation of environment concept art, but any other special effect visualisations. Examples can be seen below.
'Mute| Berlin 2052' by Paul Chadeisson This is an example of many artistic practices coming together to create a piece of VFX concept art. The artist has started with a photographed base and then used photoshop to collage extra architecture into the composition. The bridge structure was modelled in 3D. The artist would've digitally drawn over the image and used further photo editing to consolidate the scene's aura. If this image was approved, it would be passed over to the VFX team to start production. |
'Shadow Walk' by Nicolas Petrimaux Another good example of VFX concept art because it's very different to the above image, showing how versatile a VFX concept artist must be. In this example, Nicolas is designing the look of a mythical character from the game Dishonored 2, and how its shadow mass might manoeuvre its hands.
'Shadow Walk' by Nicolas Petrimaux |
As an animation student, I'm required to be my own VFX concept artist in order to visualise narrative challenges that may not have real world reference. for example, the physics of a character using magic. This professional job role orbits around a variety of artistic practices, which I find ideal as I hope to work with 2D and 3D art in the future. I'll reflect on this job role as I progress through my Premise project, as I can use it's learning outcomes to create a skillset required for a job as a VFX concept artist.