Toolkit 2: Character Turanarounds & Shilouettes

 Below are the finalised turnarounds and silhouettes for my three main Toolkit 2 characters. I think they show strengths in variation of shape and colour. I found the biggest challenge to be getting each character angle looking anatomically accurate. 

Above, a character turnaround of Tempus. A villainous old moth that runs a saloon in the middle of town. In his youth, he fought for the equality of lower the class mining community.  

Above, a turnaround of Duke. The hero and protagonist who works in the mines outside of town. 

Above, a turnaround of Milo. Duke's sidekick and mule for carrying tools and rocks. He sticks close to Duke for protection. 

Above, an action pose of sidekick character Milo. 

Above, Silhouettes of the three main Toolkit 2 characters.
