Final Animation Rendering: Shots 1 to 6

These first six shots set the scene of my fictional world. The use of static establishing shots benefit render times by requiring only single frame renders. Additionally, no characters are introduced yet, so animation isn't needed. This opening sequence is likely the simplest area of my final animation. 

Shot 1
Shot 2

These first two shots are still renders. I therefore focused on light and shadows rather than animation. Both shots use 'aiatmosphere' and a directional light to produce light rays. I also use a 'Skydome' to create natural outdoor lighting. Assets are 'Standin' bounding boxes in the Maya viewport, reducing the risk of programme crashes and makes for faster rendering. 


Shot 3

Working with a static render once again for shot 3. This greatly reduced the production time. Instead of rendering the glowing orbs with Arnold, I added them in post production using After Effects. I can now import these orbs onto other shot project files since I saved the floating orb as its own transparent mp4 file.

Shot 4
Another still render, this time a close-up shot of tree lichen. The attention to light can be seen in the use of light rays once again in the background. I might edit this shot in post production by blurring the background. This might help exaggerate depth and scale. 

Shot 5

Shot 6

Shots 5 and 6 are two close-up static shots of my Jizo statue. Again, I created the glowing orb animation in post production and therefore only rendered these shots out as one frame. These intimate compositions reveal blurry texturing that is slightly concealed with foliage, but still noticeable. These scenes will be amended If I have the time. 
