Final Major Animation: Shot Rendering Continued


Shot 20
A static shot of Gin and Kami spirits watching the Jizo statue. Incense and herb gifts scatter the foreground. I don't think this render is as effective as illustrated concepts. 

Shot 38
A static shot of Gin gazing into a cave. Single-shot renders allow me to utilize more ambitious and render-heavy lighting. A spot light can be seen casting light rays through the trees. 

shot 40
The same scene as shot 38. In post production, I'll add blinking white eyes within the cave.

shot 41
A static shot of the cabin hidden amongst trees.

shot 42
The trio of characters sit on the porch. Gin's arms weren't long enough to rest on her knees, so I tried to style interlocked fidgeting hands.

shot 44
A static shot of the cabin. I hope to overlay rain on this scene, hence the misty fog lighting.

shot 15
A side view of Gin as she walks amongst the forest, small Kami spirits follow her.

shot 17
The same scene as shot 15, we now see all three characters walking together.

shot 18
Gin watches the forest floor, admiring the kami spirits. She then looks up.

shot 39
In this shot, Gin is looking into a cave. Her expression is neither happy nor concerned. 
