Collaboration Project: Creating a Studio

As part of the new Collaboration project, me and my teammates needed to uncover and distinguish our studio. This naturally required a logical name and logo worth branding with studio values. I contributed to this stage through traditional sketches, communicating the initial group interest in celestial themes and animal mascots.  

I established an aesthetic I enjoyed, a visual style that might effectively represent the tones set-out by my group and their own ideas. This enabled me to further develop on logos and typography by adding relevant colour combinations, patterns and forms to my initial ideas. This stage of my creative process was digital; a good medium for solidifying and formalising traditional sketch work. 

Group assessments and discussions helped create a professional creative workflow that included everyone's input. At many points during this process, the group would connect and discuss strengths on each individuals work, eventually compiling all strengths into a handful of visual drafts that we voted upon as a group. Finally, an official studio name and logo was decided upon. The image below shows the design I created to include within the final vote. 

'Change Your Scales' slogan created by Jasmine Masters.

Consistent online meetings helped our group stay informed with progressions throughout this stage of the studio-building process. We were able to collaborate and share verbal and visual ideas, allowing the entire group to share the same perspective on our studio and its formation. Our strong commitment to communication helped me build confidence in my own contributions and confidence in the prospect of the Collaboration project. 

Khamaeleon 88 Productions 
