Collaboration: 'Worlds Worst...'

Our team was given the title prompt 'Worlds Worst...' to work with for our group project. To meet the project requirements correctly, our team must create a comedic 2-3 minute skit that adequately reflects this title prompt, it's also our job to finish the phrase e.g. 'Worlds Worst Doctor'. 

I personally found this initial stage of the brainstorming process challenging; it's often the point where I panic and hit a creative wall. However, I had the help of a team and we bounced ideas off each other, creating a productive workflow. I contributed by mind mapping some theme ideas, highlighting the ones I believed to be most promising. I also helped to complete a collaborative mind map, which includes each team members ideas. 

My contributions are highlighted in pink.

My contributions are highlighted in pink.

Moving forward, the team began developing on the most solid phrase enders. I decided to focus on 'Familiar', ' Shotput Athlete', 'Phobias', and 'Self Help', as these have the most comedic potential. As a group, we want to focus on job roles, I think these four scenarios could link to this focus easily. My scenarios took inspiration from media I have recently seen, such as 'What we do in the shadows' and 'Whose Line Is It Anyway'. 

