Toolkit 2 Character Design: Facial Expressions, Anatomy and Costume

This week, I've focused my efforts on my main character, his anatomy and his facial expressions. This character has gone through many iterations. I think his body still needs development (stiff and stumpy), but I am happy with the face on the facial expression design sheets. I am gradually finding a middle-ground between naïve and cool.
Above, I've stripped the character down to his base shapes in an attempt to solidify his anatomy. I could develop on this design by stretching the body, making him taller and lankier. I think this would better fit his personality. A gentle giant would also  contrast better with the sidekick, a short loudmouth. 
Developing on the first body sketches, this design incorporates clothing. This costume concept focuses on scale and how human objects might appear on an insect. This is unsuccessful, but a start in the right direction. I think a more effective costume would exaggerate the scale of accessories even further e.g. larger buttons. I also dislike the way the fabric hangs on the character. I may need to rethink the 'overalls' idea. My favourite aspect of this concept is the glow-bug mining headlamp.

A more relaxed facial complexion compared to the faces on the first image. I prefer this face design, as it's more humanoid less 'cute'. I'm pleased with the spectrum of emotion I was able to achieve. 

Above, a coloured version of my raw expression sketches. This was an opportunity to solidify the colour palette for this character. 

