Toolkit 2 Pipeline 1: Body Modelling


After completing the head model for Jetpack Jones, I moved onto the rest of the body. The process long-winded, but less meticulous compared to the head modelling process. Overall, I'm satisfied with my attempt at replicating the anatomy suggested in the orthographs:

I began with the torso, the core of the body. Building out from a cylinder, I focused on developing the fundamental curves of the body.

I then extruded into the arms and moulded elbow joints. This segregated the two sections of a human arm and I could then carve out muscle. 

Next, I started the legs/ trousers. I found the shape a challenge to create but I tried to suggest fabric by modelling creases and bunching at the bottom of the legs. 

The trousers were far more effective once in smooth preview and when mirrored. 

I then detailed a belt and trouser hoops which helped transition the torso to the legs. I'm hoping this looks better once a buckle has been attached. 

Next, I created boots using a similar process to the torso by creating fundamental curves to resemble a real shoe.

The boots were smoothed and a sole was constructed. 

Once the boots were in place, the body had its basic structure. I adjusted the fabric folds and creases so they realistically interact with the bodies contours. 

The final element to model was the hands/ gloves. Fingers were modelled from cubes. Edge loops were manipulated to segment the fingers into its three segments. These were joined onto another cube, the base hand shape. 

The transition from finger-to-hand was difficult to execute, but I eventually managed. I included a thumb before modelling the indentation of the palm and bumps for knuckles. 

To suggest a 'glove' I extruded the wrist into a larger form of fabric which I used to attach the hand to the arm/ torso. 

Once the body was complete, I imported the head model and connected the neck to the torso collar. I used the orthographs to scale the head properly.

The model is now complete and ready for texturing. 
