Collaboration: Finalised Laundromat Animation

I contributed towards the collaborative group project by animating the 'laundromat' scenario. In this video, characters Moom Junior and Moom Senior find each other by coincidence in a laundromat. After several other encounters in previous scenes, Moom Senior is uneasy to confront Moom Junior once again. 
I worked hard to ensure both characters are animated to the same standard by isolating each character and focusing on individual scene movement (as seen in my animation process blog post). I ensured that characters are moving for as much of the sequence as possible, creating simple 'idle' movement to link extreme actions together. Examples of idle movement can be seen as Moom Senior sits on a bench, watching Moom Junior uneasily. 
The most challenging motion to animate was Moom Juniors 'Plie', a ballet move that uses unconventional foot and leg placement. Difficult sequences such as these were helped with the use of 'spline' tangents, which create smooth curves in-between keyframes, helping to soften my animations.  
Within the collaborative group, Jasmine was able to produce fully textured characters for our teams animation, including assets such as headphones, glasses, Walkman cassette, shirt collars and sleeves. The final animation comes to life with these additions.
Overall, I'm extremely happy with my outcome as I believe it demonstrates some of my best animation work this academic year. 
