Life Drawing

Above, a series of quick charcoal studies. The top half using a 1 minute timeframe, the bottom half each drawn in 5 minutes. This page is messy and loose, but I like the shadows captured on the bottom left study. 

Above, a 15 minute seated full body charcoal study. After weeks of portraiture, I'm feeling more confident with the upper part of the body and less so with the lower half. This can be seen in my struggles to capture the subject's crossed legs here. 

Above, a quick study using the same pose as before. I captured the legs better here. 

Above, a 5 minute head study, focusing on shadows to form the structure of the face. 
Above, a 35 minute pencil sketch. I used a HB to construct a loose base sketch, before building detail with an 8B. 

Above, a 5 minute body sketch. Focusing on the centre of the body and working outwards. 

Above, another 5 minute body study. I think the head is too large, but I'm happy with leg proportions. 

Above, some rough 1 minute poses using a HB pencil. 

Above, some 1 minute poses using pencil. 
