Rigging 'Yang'


I have created a simple rig for character Yang using Maya's 'Quickrig' tool. The 'Quickrig' shortcut generated a skeleton for me, and I could then focus my efforts on skinning. I'm utilising 'Quickrig' throughout my Major project to avoid any joint hagiarchy problems. 

The above image shows the skeleton generated for Yang using 'Quickrig'. I removed the arm joints and controls before skinning. 

The skinning process was the longest element of rigging. I gradually learnt how to distribute weights properly.  

At first, I constrained the accessories to the main skeleton. But I changed my mind and decided to combine all the geometry and skin everything to the joints. This created a smooth and soft movement. I wanted this outcome because this character is supernatural, almost as though his clothes are part of his body.  

I struggled to skin the tassels onto the shoulder joints. This would've been solved if I'd constrained this geometry as a separate group to the elbow joint. Instead, I tediously skinned each tassel individually. A lesson learnt for next time!

I also struggled to create clean knee movement. This is likely because of limited topology through the legs. Ideally, I need more edge loops to avoid this problem. However, I was able to make-do with soft legs as part of character stylisation. And ultimately, I think it helps convey that this character isn't human. 

Yang now has working arms, legs, spine and neck. Initially, I wanted to use dynamic joints through his scarf ribbons, but I will save this for my main character's ponytail. 
