Life Drawing

Above, a series of one minute poses using charcoal. I focused on shadows in order to construct accurate forms. Additionally, I used sweeping strokes to suggest overall pose. 

Above, a 5 minute pose using charcoal. I think the legs are too small, but the overall suggested pose is strong. 

Above, another 5 minute charcoal study. I used negative space around the subject to help suggest the subjects pose.  

Above, a 35 minute portrait study using charcoal. I think I worked too big and struggled to capture accurate facial features here. 

Above, a series of 1 minute pencil studies. Number three is my favourite outcome, and this pose has become my favourite to draw. 
Above, a 35 minute reclined study using pencil. The head feels out of place, but I'm happy with the rest of this outcome. 

Above, another 35 minute study. I focused on shadows and highlight placement to build an accurate pose. 
