Animatio workshop: Walking Movement

I found this motion a challenge to communicate through animation. This first attempt at human movement is very rough with many areas for improvement. The biggest issue is the character's 'limp'...
I would like to find a strong diagram that clearly explains each movement and how they all link together.
I found the colour separation a useful tip; by making each hand and leg a slightly different colour, I was able to avoid some confusion.
Upon completing the legs of my first animation attempt, I realised my character was stretching to match the arch, rather than using it as a height reference...
I adjusted the scale of the character, keeping him level with the straight line instead. This helped with the 'limping' issue slightly...
Finally, I tried to move each frame so that the character was travelling an accurate distance for his steps. 
Overall, a somewhat decent first attempt at a walking animation, I think I could become stronger at this movement through practice and possible research into professional practices.
