Armilla Modelling Pipeline #2

I began my modelling session by finalising the basic forms for my hero prop, which included the legs of my bowellist tower and the feet accents. I found it challenging to create the legs and supports symmetrically, since I find the mirror tool very confusing to use. 

I decided to improve upon the details on top of my hero prop, just in case I decide on an angle slightly different to the one depicted in my concept art. 

Sadly, I then had to completely re-model the structure holding my marine tunnel, as I must've deleted this shape by mistake...

I tweaked the second modelling attempt by including a cylinder inside the hole for the aquatic tunnel. This will create the illusion of a hole when a black shader is applied. 

 Various angles of my Hero Prop:

 The main forms are now in place with room for improvements and detail if I have extra time. The main target now is to tackle the UV's and try to fix the 'collapsing' issue by adding more geometry to my model.
With the main framework in place for my hero prop, I decided to begin my second structure, which resembles the ventilation pipework seen on large boats.

I used the same method I had success with for my hero prop pipes, in which I added vertexes and manipulated their rotation, creating a 90 degree bend at the top of the pipe. 

I had difficulty manipulating the pipes geometry, and spent a lot of time fixing issues with edges and vertexes. 

Using the Extrude tool, I was able to give the structure some weight and dimension.

Once the Ventilation opening was in place, I moved on to the base of the pipe, which I detailed with bolts. 

I changed the design shown in my orthograph slightly by including a cross, creating support. 
  Various angles of my second structure:
