Armilla Modelling Pipeline #3

Modelling the hero prop has been far more tedious that expected. However, I am relieved to have resolved the 'collapsing' issue using the edge loop tool and the cutting tool. 

I have discovered how important it is to have scale-accurate orthographs. I now know for future projects that more care should be taken with orthograph proportions. However, my orthographs have still been extremely helpful assets, working as reference imagery.

I'm really happy with the look of this model, the aerials and roof detail help create a building that looks logical, communal, and probable.

As my confidence grew, I started using the no.3 key to my advantage. Instead of fixing geometry, I would use the smoothing to my advantage by leaving some edges less refined, creating more diversity in shape finishes.

Some of my structures repeat architectural elements. This allowed me to import structures from other models and adapt them to new designs. 

I think this design could either use further refinement, or a position change somewhere further from the camera in the final scene. 

At this stage, I was gaining momentum with modelling these cylindrical structures and extruding specific faces for desired patterns. My extruding technique is very strong on this model, also seen below.

Leaving some edges without extra geometry creates curvature, a more elaborate design. This also helps create some variation between this structure and similar buildings.

Initially, the shutters on this building extruded inwards. I changed this to outwards as I feel as though this will respond to lighting more effectively. It also creates interesting texture to the main structures' body, avoiding a boring quad shape. 

I imported and adapted the aerials from my hero prop to help complete the look of this structure. 

I think that the inclusion of a secondary structure on the roof of this building helps to communicate scale and the sense of a 'lived-in' space.

I was naive at how challenging this pyramid structure would be. At first, I tried to adapt a four-sided pyramid into something useable. This created dodgy geometry that continuously caused problems the further I went with the modelling process...

With the help of Simon, I was able to re-model this structure with more professionality. The cuts are more defined in this variation, which will help make them more visible in the final composition, as this structure is relatively far back in the scene. 

I used my vertex manipulation technique from the hero prop pipes to create the desired arch structure for this model. Varying the sizes of each pipe help to create a more 'hand made' aesthetic, hopefully breaking up the uniformed style of my other structures. 

I decided to extend this structure quite drastically, as I was concerned it wouldn't be visible at the very back of my final scene. I also reduced the size of some decorative elements to help translate a sense of scale.

Layering and extruding more exaggeratively will hopefully make the textures of this structure more visible in the background.

I accessorised this structure with a cog shape at the top, I'm really happy with how this looks. Hopefully it will be picked-up from a distance.
