modelling pipeline #4

Finalizing the last UV's left to layout. The above structure, structure 7, was surprisingly easy to UV since I had help modelling from Simon. This goes to show how important clean and proper modelling can be. 

With the tenth and final structure, I felt a sense of achievement and improvement in regards to my UV techniques. I had noticed a significant efficiency incline and quality incline too. 

Once all UV'S were saved as appropriate files, it was time to texture. I began with the most important texture, which will also act as the focal point of my composition...

I had to adjust the position of the base greenery, since I initially didn't realise the bottom three horizontal lines were the base of the arch. However, I am pleased with this texture.

Using a similar method to texturing the chicken coop walls, I created five variations of a gold texture and duplicated them to fit each gold panel. 

I'm really pleased with the outcome, and excited for their collaboration with the rest of the structure. 

This texture will accompany the gold panels shown previously. I experimented with a more refined pattern...

However, the texture looked terrible when applied to its structure during an experiment. I therefore stripped the metal panel pattern and created something more basic.
This simple texture will also complement the golden panels better. 

I'm also extremely happy with this texture, which strongly resembles aged metal. I focused on adding crisp detailing to textures that'll be closer to the camera in the final scene. 

For the bowellist tower, I approached this texture with subtlety in mind. Even with the calm colours suggested above, I still had to play around with opacity further in order to create a less abrasive texture. I also aimed for a lighter colour scheme to combat the dark textures already created for my hero prop. 

I wanted to further experiment with rust for this specific texture, as the cubic shape limits problems with seams. Using coarser photoshop brushes and erasers, I was able to create a flaxy texture that replicates corrosion. This contradicts the style described in by travelogue, but aesthetically g

I decided to texture my hero prop further by creating a very basic line pattern for the pipe accents. I was concerned this would be too simplistic, but effectively supports the geometry when I applied it to the model. 

I was keen to play around with more dramatic colours for some structures. This orange rust effect will hopefully balance-out the other dramatically dark textures I have created. This is one of my favourite textures. 

In order to tie the whole composition's colour scheme together, I now focused on using existing colours in my patterns. This texture uses the orange seen in my previous net. 

Similarly, this texture uses a rusty red deriving from another previous texture. I chose a blue to strengthen the theme of water. 

This texture will look interesting alongside the structures other attributes. 

Experimenting with other types of metal, I decided to create a golden metallic texture. This was a challenge to create. But I think the result is interesting and refreshing. 

The result is eye catching and matches the personality of the structure. 

I was feeling braver about texturing at this point. I therefore used more vivid colours in this UV, creating a lovely vibrant copper, a texture I aimed to incorporate from the concept stages of this project. 

Something a little more daring for a structure in the background of my composition. I can always replace this with an existing texture if it doesn't match the theme of the rest of my city. 

Linking this background structure to existing buildings through using existing material designs. I this this rusty orange will react nicely as a distant prop in my scene. 
