Matte Painting & Process

I didn't want to spend too much time on my Armilla Matte painting, as it contributes to a small and relatively insignificant portion of my exterior low angle composition. Instead, I tried to make its limited characteristics stronger compared to the original concept art; distant structures are more defined, and I payed more attention to colour and lighting, toning down on the yellows. I chose to make a matte painting in order to ensure a good result for my final modelled image; recycling my concept art risks the drawn architecture being seen unless the modelled buildings line-up perfectly with the original digital drawing. By creating a matte painting dedicated to the images background, I have the freedom to make adjustments and improvements to the initial composition without limitation.

Finalised Matte Painting:

Simple and articulate from a distance. Too much detail will be swallowed-up by lighting and the foreground in the final render. Therefore, minimalism and clarity is best. 
