What If Metropolis | reflective statement

I have surprised myself in many aspects of this project, What if? Metropolis. I have produced a volume of work I am proud of, despite being unfamiliar with many tools within Autodesk Maya. Yet, despite my strong goal to plan and track my workflow as effectively as possible, I still found the last two weeks before hand-in stressful. This is to be expected for a first modelling project, but still relatively surprising. Despite my tight schedule, I stayed completely focused and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of Maya work, another unexpected outcome. In fact, I have found I enjoy modelling more than digital drawing. However, I must remember to avoid burnout and take regular breaks...something I definitely need to improve upon. I am extremely happy with the scene I was able to create, which has strong links back to my concept art and also shows experimentation. I found the recording of my pipeline extremely challenging, as this type of documentation adds many extra hours onto a project, something I will definitely expect for future projects. Overall, I have realised yet again that I need to reflect on my time management. Last project, I was convinced it was simply efficiency that was causing problems. In fact, I need to learn how to only include what's necessary and most important to a project, bulking it out if and when I have the time. I have already learnt from many mistakes just a few months into this course.

I am very proud of my final modelled scene, which has also been a surprise. From a handful of months working with Maya, I have successfully produced an image that communicates the concept of a city. I think my general modelling is at a good standard, but I would like to work on my texturing and UV mapping knowledge, along with my understanding of shaders. I believe that I have incorporated many aspects of the Lego car and chicken coop tutorials into this image, as seen in my use of transparent shaders and use of the extrude tool to create more interesting formations. I think I have used lighting to the compositions advantage, although I would like to learn about other light options within Maya.
