Walking Kami Model Variations


I developed from the model finished in Premise by duplicating the mesh and creating two other character variations. In hindsight, I should've done this before modelling arms, as I then had to remove and smooth the shoulder areas on the two new models. Overall however, I'm happy with my three models; each subtly separated by varying silhouettes. These characters will be finished with an iridescent white material. 

Above, shows the model I constructed in Premise and a new duplicate mesh I deformed. 

Above, rough silhouettes for my three character variations. I spent some time smoothing their surfaces, although it'll be hidden with an iridescent material. 

Above, a side-view render of my kami models. Their shapes are slightly different, but close enough for style continuity. 

Above, a back view of my models. The transition from legs to torso was challenging to smooth, but these imperfections will be hidden with a stark white material. 
