Wicker Basket Models


Two types of wicker basket are used in my Previz; a belly basket for holding foraged herbs and plants, and a small handheld basket for my main character to hold. I started both modelling processes with sketches:

Above, rough orthographs and a colored concept sketch for a wicker belly basket.  

Above, sketchy orthographs for a smaller handheld wicker basket, including a colored concept sketch. 

I used the above images to influence my sketches, studying wicker patterns and conventional basket silhouettes. 

Using a low poly sphere, I removed its top faces and roughed-out a basic belly basket silhouette. 

I paid special attention to the baskets' center seam, which extrudes outwards to create a belly baskets signature shape.  

The handles were tedious to model and extrude, especially since they transition from a square to cylindrical shape. To save time, I created half a handle and mirrored it two ways. This ensured both handles on my model were identical. 

Once I had a clean basket shape, I experimented with deforming and folding the geometry for realistic wicker characteristics. 

Additionally, I deformed the baskets' handles using soft select to create some model variations. 

Finally, I laid-out the UV's before formalizing the deformation. This model will be high poly, so it can handle a wicker deformer map. 

When designing the smaller wicker basket, I realized it'd be strange having it hold a heavy incense base. I therefore changed this scene, the incense base will stay next to the Jizo statue, Gin will carry only the incense sticks in her basket. The image above shows the discussed scene. 

I started modelling the smaller wicker basket with a basic taco shape. It took a while figuring out topology placement. 

I extruded the shape and spent a while smoothing. I wanted to keep the base flat, so it can stand straight on the ground. 

Similarly to the belly basket model, I modelled one side of the handle before mirroring. This ensures both sides are identical. 

I then finalized the space between basket and handle. I debated using additional geometry to cover this space, but I ultimately decided otherwise. Instead, this model will have a detailed texture map. 

Finally, I laid out the UV's. This model, along with the belly model, will be finalized with wicker basket texture, normal and displacement maps. 

Above, an untextured Arnold render of my belly baskets. 

Above, a front view render of my small handheld wicker basket.

Above, a side view of the same basket model. 
