What If? Metropolis OGR


Great OGR Saskya.

Loving the breakouts and planning that you have done, that level of attention will hold you in good stead for constructing your set.

Have you given any thought as to how you are going to tackle your materials and textures. Your space feels very real-world, high end CG rather than stylised and/ or cartoony.

We can have a conversation about how you can approach the texturing once you have started modelling.

Well done
Saskya Olsen said…
Thanks for the response!
In regards to texturing, I've had a look at metal variations that I could use in my structures to help make each more distinguishable. For example, brushed and polished surfaces, age differences (rust and coarseness), patterns such as the common 'diamond plate, and incorporating different types of metal such as brass and steel which have natural colour variation.
This is probably very ambitious to model...but I think I can pull these off by texturing them in photoshop.
I would appreciate the mentioned discussion regarding my texturing.