SFX #1
Extractor Fan
I wanted to gather some sounds that could be manipulated into deeper, more ominous noises. My extractor fan has a consistent, deep hum that might work well after editing. I think this sound would be useful as a base for image 1.
Sink Drain
I became interested in this sound whilst recording my washing machine. I think that the unusual gurgles and unpredictable pattern of the noise might help cut up more of my duller, repetitive recordings.
Wind Through Vent
Similarly to my extractor recording, this is another deep, groaning sound that has flexibility with layering due to its consistency. The sound didn't capture as effectively as expected, so i might play around with mic positioning.
Dried Plants
This decorative dried plant has more than one element, each creating a different sound. I think these two recordings fit nicely with my third image, since its thin, dry texture is communicated effectively through sound.
Due to a toothpicks spindly and brittle material, they sound accurate to my third image, which has a structure that resembles a ball of toothpicks. I think the sound these create through different interactions will be extremely useful for my soundscapes. I'd like to experiment with toothpicks further.
Toothpick on Cactus
Toothpick On Guitar
Wahing Machine
Once edited, i think that the gurgling of a washing machine could be very effecive and ominous due to its deep pitch and unusual accents (damp clothes pattering). The sloshing water is something i wanted to capture, as i think this links well to my first image.
Out of the assortment of foods I recorded, I think that the jarred spices were the most effective. However, I would like to experiment with the olives further, as it resembles my first image the most; balls of mass floating in a solution. I think that all foods recorded where somewhat successful and potentially useful.