Modelling Tōrō Lanterns

 "In Japan, a tōrō (灯籠 / 灯篭, 灯楼, light basket, light tower)is a traditional lantern made of stone, wood, or metal. Like many other elements of Japanese traditional architecture, it originated in China where they can still be found in Buddhist temples and Chinese gardens. In Japan, tōrō were originally used only in Buddhist temples, where they lined and illuminated paths. Lit lanterns were then considered an offering to Buddha.[2] Their use in Shinto shrines and also private homes started during the Heian period (794–1185)." - Wikipedia

Initially used in my Premise concept art as a prop, I have now discovered the real importance of these traditional Toro lanterns. This has altered my animation's opening sequence and I now hope to create a Japanese shrine environment to match the proper use of Toro's, as discussed above. 

As seen in my storyboard, Toro lanterns are used within my landscape to illuminate the forest. This will be especially important during my final scenes, set at night. I now hope to develop on this, having my characters visit a shrine within the forest, with a Shimenawa rope tree or a statue at its Centre. 

Above, a shot from my animatic's opening sequence. I hope to construct a Japanese Shinto shrine or area of religous importance in this location. This edit will strengthen the narrative and show the correct use of Toro lanterns. 

I compiled some Toro imagery, focusing on the stone variation. Paying attention to silhouette and roof ornamentation. I also wanted to include an engraving on the tall post, also called a Sao (竿). I chose the phrase soul (魂), a typical phrase used. 

 Tōrō Modelling Process:

Using a simple cube, I formed the basic silhouette. Clean geometry was harder to achieve on its roof due to its ornamental curves. 

The model is crisp, but has lots of geometry for a displacement map to work with. 

Cutting out the Hibukuro (fire box) was another challenging task to achieve with neat geometry. This empty space will hold a glowing orb instead of fire as means of illumination. 

Different Toro use different roof ornaments. I chose a soft circular cone shape to break up the sharp and square formations throughout the model. 

I kept a cube nearby to use as a ruler, ensuring all boarders and bevels were the same dimensions. 

Once happy with the structure, I used the sculpt geometry tool to smooth the roof. 

Laying out UV's took time, since the model has many level changes and edges. 

I ultimately chose to remove the roof and have it separate. This allows me to create a broken variation, and I can place the roof in different positions. I hope to create a mossy stone texture for this Toro model in substance painter, before exporting out proxy stand-ins. 

Above, a side view render of my Toro lantern model. 

Above, a front view render of my Toro lantern model. 
