Motion Path Test

 I briefly explored Motion Paths in hopes of benefitting my final Major outcome. It enables an object to flow along a custom drawn curve. I'd hoped to use this method for making snake-like animation for my dragon character, but found wave deformers to be the better alternative. This is however,  a useful skill and might benefit other character animation. 

- Draw a curve in the side view.
- Select the object (to move along the curve), then the curve. 
- Animation menu > constrain > motion paths > attach to motion path.
- The object now moves along the curve at a speed dependant on the time slider. 
- Select the object > attribute editor > motion path tab > click select at the bottom of the tab > set keys will now appear on the time slider. These can be adjusted or added to. 
- To set a new key frame, hover over U Value > right click > set key frame. 
- Ensure the graph editor doesn't go into negative figures. 

Tutorial Used:
