Drawing Skills: Easel Structure

1. Beginning with a few minutes to create my first drawing of the subject (a make-shift easel structure), I then moved around the room and added to other sketches. I liked how easy-going and uncommitted this task felt. An easy way to combat the stiffness you have at the start of a drawing process. 

2. 15 minutes to simply capture what I could, viewing the structure from different angles in the previous activity helped with my understanding of what I was drawing.
3. The most difficult activity; capturing only negative space. I found it hard to grasp what it was I needed to put on paper. Looking at my peers outcomes after this activity helped me understand the objective.
4. Focusing on lighting. I found my compressed graphite sticks very tricky to work with, and regret not using traditional charcoal. My medium of choice creates an unpleasant scratchy effect. However, I was still able to capture some shadow  and texture suggestions.

 5. Focusing on dimension. Darker forms are further away, the lightest being closest to my paper. I found an interesting fabric technique with the graphite stick, which involves using the sharp edge to create a light yet sharp form, similar to a delicate fabric. 
