Invisible Cities: Mission Statement

This first CAA project has been an enjoyable taster of this course; an opportunity to see how my current skill base pars with the requirements future projects will require. I appreciated the focus on digital art through photoshop as this is something I am comfortable with. Workshops in-between independent project work were motivating, as you could document and revisit all progress being made in areas such as Autodesk Maya and Adobe Animate through blogger.

However, there were many times where I felt overwhelmed, which is to be expected for the first project. I have come away from part one, Invisible Cities, knowing I need to work on time management, do what’s most important first, avoid procrastinating on more enjoyable tasks and create an easier workflow overall. I was able to handle the brief and complete all work asked of me, but only with a lot of elbow grease. I am confident that I can find a more efficient and professional way to create strong projects in a better time format with relaxation and time to reflect within the chaos. The biggest take-away so far is for me need to develop on efficiency!

Overall, I’m happy with the work I produced for this hand-in, also excited to improve in the second half of this project. Moving forward, I would like to create stronger links between workshops and project work, ultimately making my blog a clearer story with reasoning behind posts.
