Collaboration: Beat sheet Development and Concept Art

 Developing on the world of Moom, I've started working on more intricate visual designing. I've also contributed to the organisation of our groups animation narrative by helping to compose documents recording our story adaptations and changes. Evidence of this can be seen below:

Environment Concept Art #1:

A first detailed look inside the laundromat set within our collaborative animation. I was heavily influenced by 80's interior design and colour palettes, but I think the decade could be made more clear through posters and other clearer indications. Overall however, I think i have successfully captured a snapshot of  the laundromat. I aim to create concept art for a variety of angles within this set. 

Beat Sheet Development:

Collaborative Beat Sheet by Saskya Olsen on Scribd

This document infuses my own ideas with the contributions of the collaborative group to form a developed beat sheet. The new version includes actions and reactions, helping to structure the comedy within the narrative. This new version also introduces a secondary character, Moom Senior, and solders a relationship between Moom Junior and Moom Senior.  Contributors: Jasmine Masters, Jessica Crosby, Kimberley Davis. 
