Collaboration: Modelling the Pre-Viz Laundromat Set

Completed Set - Image 1

 A storyline has been established for our collaborative project, the group decided to start working within Maya. Our new goal is to produce a Pre-Viz and establish all the additional content we have made since our animatic. Once we have a Pre-Viz, we can confidently work towards a finalised animation. At this stage in the project, I contributed by handling the modelling process for the laundromat set:

I began the process by constructing a base room shape using a polygon cube. As I created door
 frames and washing machines, I would use Moom as a scale reference, ensuring the space was proportionate to the character. 

I then introduces smaller scene assets, such as laundry rolling baskets and rugs. This gave the space more texture and composition. 

Next, I focused on creating a working front door, altering the position of the pivot point to ensure it opens and closes on a pretend hinge. 

Final touches included posters, signs, architrave and door frames. I finalised this simple set by colouring with aistandardsurface shaders. 

Completed Set - Image 2
