Character Developments, Props and Set Map

 The visual developments seen below aim to develop the world of Moom that our collaborative group have created. These illustrations explore stylisation and characterisation by using real-life references for my prop and clothing interpretations. I decided on a clean, simple drawing style as I wanted my ideas to be clear. My drawings will also influence future orthographs, another reason for my simplistic style choice. As I visually develop on this Laundromat animation sequence, I feel my confidence growing; an 80's style is being established alongside an intriguing sequence narrative.

Above, prop designs heavily influenced by 1980's reference photo's. I explore storage possibilities; how does laundry manoeuvre around the laundromat set? Walls also need decorating with posters. A significant prop within this laundromat sequence is the detergent box, I therefore designed this prop to be eye-catching through neon colours. 

Above, I try to establish Moom's personality visually. Using methods learnt in Justin Wyatt's 'Body Language' lessons, I explore Moom's demeanour by positioning the character in ways that link to his characteristics. Anxious, Illogical, naïve. 

Using the visual research conducted, I established an 80's style laundromat set design. The above images assign positions to the most significant props. I used my storyboard to create a plan that can be replicated in Maya. Further detailing should include luggage, plants and posters. 
