Toolkit 2 Character Design - Western Film research

 I began my research by watching the classic western Stagecoach (1939), gathering ideas from architecture, character clothing and other conventions within the film. The film follows a group of travelling strangers as they journey with the looming threat of Geronimo and the Apache tribes. I payed close attention to Ringo, an outlaw on the run after escaping prison. Ringo holds many stereotypes of western protagonists; shotgun, ridge top hat, leather boots, e.t.c. I think Ringo is a good reference for my own work.

Ringo the outlaw

Below, my outcomes after interpreting Stagecoach along with my initial ideas:

Stereotypical architecture and props from western films infused with insect anatomy. The buildings also inspired by bug hotels.

Ringo inspired my developed character concept; a foul tempered beetle. 
