Finalising Gin's Textures

I textured Gin's robe, placed feathers around the neckline, and made some final adjustments to Gin's model. I know see her as mostly complete and ready for rigging. 

Above, a front view render of Gin. The original texture used on her robe (as seen in my character turnaround) is unfortunately not seamless. I therefore went for this Persian pattern instead. 
Above, a rear view render of Gin. I've decided to have her black cape move with her body rather than have it rigged separately. 

Above, a rear view render of Gin's robe. I think I've mostly captured the signature silhouette seen all the way back in my premise character sketches.
Above, a closer look at Gin's cape detail. 

Above, a closer look at Gins Obi and feathered neckline. I also added the white chest tassels that are depicted in my character turnaround.
