Texturing my Walking Spirit Models & Fish Models

Walking Spirit Models

I chose not to use maps to texture these spirit models, instead a simple matt aistandardsurface to create solid colour surfaces for these Kami spirit model characters. I felt that "less is more" applied to these characters because they're so small and need to be visible within the sets of my major animation.

Above, a front render of the stumpy Kami character.
Above, a side render of my stumpy kami character.

Above, a front render of my tall kami character. 

Above, a side render of my tall kami character.

Above, a side render of my armed kami character.

Above, a front render of my kami model character.

Fish Models:

I also simplified the textures on my kami fish models, by using the same black and white matt aistandardsurfaces

Above, a side render of two fish spirit variations. 
