Re-texturing My Jellyfish Models


I decided to develop on my Jellyfish textures, using a more simplistic approach to benefit render times for my Major animation. Therefore, Instead of using aistandardsurface pre-sets for an opaque effect, I used an opacity map. This cut render times to 2 minutes. I plan to utilize opacity maps for all my kami spirit characters because it's an easy way to achieve matt transparent materials. 

Above, my jellyfish model UV's laid out for texturing. 

Above, My UV maps in photoshop. I've learnt to rely on masks for this texturing process, and I've now learnt to mask an entire group of layers. By masking a group and using black or white paint, I can add or remove elements without damaging the original image, which is the downside to the eraser tool. Once you use the eraser, you can't get the original image back further down the line.   

Above, my finalised alpha map. 
