Character Development & Sequence Experiment

I developed my Premise narrative by exploring my characters in further detail. My confidence increased, and I progressed onto a sequence experiment to visualise how my characters might interact with their environment:
Above, an outcome after further development to my trio of main characters. I changed their heights to vary their silhouettes, and I also decorated costumes with more detail to create interest. 

I decided to rework the design for my Moon Spirit, reducing the colour palette and experimenting with accessories. I scanned-in a material pattern and composited it into the characters cloak. Feeling indecisive, I chose to present multiple hair and cloak variations. 

Above, a sequence idea incorporating ideas from previous design work. This sequence would use a single 3D environment but multiple characters and lots of movement. Ambitious, but still realistic. I hope to create several sequence examples, choosing the strongest to construct a major narrative.  
