Premise: Yin & Yang Character development

 Developing on from my silhouette thumbnails, I chose a handful to establish into coloured concepts. Whilst staying true to my original ideas, I used new inspiration from research I conducted on Daoism and Taiji, more specifically, Yin and Yang Chinese cosmology;

Above, Yin character concepts. The annotated variation is the design I've chosen as the strongest. Feathers, fluffy yuigesa, and loose clothing creates a soft silhouette that references the calm, passive and peaceful characteristics of Yin energy. A speckled tunic, alongside the characters' overall dark clothing, signifies the night and the celestial. The characters' feathered mask is reminiscent of Native American War Bonnets worn by respected tribe leaders, suggesting wisdom and intelligence.  Bones are worn around the characters neck, as Yin is also associated with death. The character wears many layers, because Yin is affiliated with the cold.

Above, Yang character concepts. The annotated variation is the design I've chosen as the strongest. The head scarf and flames signify the warmth and comfort of Yang energy. Whereas the characters hard scales and chain Armor link to their aggressive, courageous and solid characteristics. An affiliation for the light is reflected through colour palette and the thin, opaque material worn around the shoulders, maybe this material also has a shimmer?   
