Premise: Sequence Experiments

Before committing to a finalised storyboard, I decided to experiment with multiple sequence variations. This has resulted in three realised sequence ideas (below) that explore a handful of major events that could be included in the final storyboard. I hope to develop on these sequences by adding short filler sequences of a few frames, which can be used to link the major events together. I used older concept sketches to influence my ideas, which were sparked by the strongest compositions from my original thumbnails.

 I stuck to my original ambitions for this narrative, which were whimsical and mysterious. Therefore, these sequences simply spark curiosity without explaining an elaborate story. I want my final storyboard to be a montage of curious events, rather than a linear event. 

 Sequence 1:

The first sequence I created was inspired by the first frame, extracted from my original thumbnails. I incorporated my three main characters, which helped propel the discovery of a little forest cabin...

Sequence 2:

I decided to rework the first sequence, as I felt the idea finished at a dead-end. Extracting the original worms-eye-view idea, I adapted this sequence into something more grand. Inspired by Hayao Miyazaki's 'Ponyo', the trio of characters discover a swarm of fish spirits in a forest clearing. 

Sequence 3: 

A single shot without cuts, this sequence also derives from the first iteration. This time, the cabin window shot turns into an opportunity for world building by revealing a grand view above the treeline. I think sequences 2 and 3 would link well together with the black screen transition (shown at the end of sequences 2 and 3). I aim for this sequence to end the narrative, as I've included a 'viewer acknowledgment' at the end, showing the characters waving at the camera as a departure.   
