Substance Painter: Oil Can

I continued to develop my knowledge of Adobe Substance Painter, a 3D texturing program, by replicating a heavily textured oil can model example through a live tutorial. Using a similar method to the previous book tutorial, I exported surfaces/materials out of Maya, created finished textures in Substance Painter, and finally reimported the textures back into Maya before rendering the final outcome. 

The Process:

I exported the model out of Maya under a single Blinn material. Then importing the Blinn as an obj file into Substance Painter. The above image shows a base red colour covering the imported oil can within Substance Painter. 

Using Substance Surfaces pre-sets and different shades of red, I broke-up the coloured oil can surface to show deterioration. 

I was able to add generators and masks onto layers to introduce raised surface areas, seen above. These height alterations assist the flat colours and emphasise age on the oil can model. 

Using masks, I was able to select areas of the oil can's texture maps to distinguish painted metal from raw metal.  

Using the height channel once again, I manipulated the paint brush tool to create raised text on the oil can's surface. Adding a blur filter helped soften the sharp altitude change, making the text appear more natural.  

I added a final layer and imported rust texture maps into relevant channels (height, metallic, base colour, normals and ambient occlusion), shown above. I reduced the texture's intensity before exporting each texture out of Substance Painter as a png. 

Back to Maya, I imported the six png maps into their relevant channels. Above, the outcome within Maya's viewport. 

Final Outcome:

Above, the oil can's final rendered outcome. Improvements could be made to the raw metal, which struggles to resemble realistic metal. I could also adjust the bumping across the painted metal, which is too exaggerated in some areas, most visible on the handle. Overall however, the outcome successfully demonstrates the hyperreal texturing style that Substance Painter produces.
