Finalised Maya CG Pre-Vis

I feel slightly underwhelmed by my Pre-Vis outcome, as this mediocre quality took many weeks to plan and produce...However, I have learnt that a professional Pre-vis is supposed to be rough, as it's a scratchy guide to camera and character movement, only holding the fundamental motions of a visualisation.
I believe that I have achieved what a Pre-Vis is supposed to be, and therefore clearly communicated my cinematic ideas. When followed by my finalised script an premise, I think this outcome is reasonably readable.
I focused on creating a shaky hand-held camera that portrays itself as underdeveloped, not quite as smooth as a Hollywood blockbuster. This is because the story revolves around a self-funded documentary project filmed by a university student, so the outcome shouldn't feel slick.
My Pre-Vis outcome incorporates many of the tools I learnt from my Maya tutorials and Premier Pro inductions, using tools such as blend modes, the razor tool, text graphics, transitions and sound effects to create my final outcome, which has been heightened by this knowledge.
I feel like my outcome is restricted by the two-minute timeframe I was given. I think this storyline could have benefitted a longer duration, and might have been too ambitious for this project. Despite cutting-out a generous portion of the original script, some cuts and shots still feel slightly rushed, and I think I would have struggled if I had decided to include dialogue in my CG Pre-vis.
