Premier Pro Workshop

Freeze Framing

Once the beginning and end of your sequence has been distinguished (using the 'I' and 'o' keys), the 'play head' can be placed over a frame you wish to independently export as an image. The 'export frame' button appears as a camera icon. Clicking on this icon allows you to name the image and choose its format as well as its save location. Premier also allows you to import this new image back into the current project. 

Edit Types

Once footage has been edited in the 'source' window, Premier allows you to either 'insert' or 'overwrite' the edit into an existing timeline. 'Insert' sends the media into the timeline and forces any later clips to shift forward. 'Overwrite' adds the media to the timeline by replacing it's equivalent in the sequence, starting from the edit point and extending for the length of the clip. 

Edit Points

Edits have a total of 4 points, two (in and out) on a clip and another two (in and out) on the timeline. All four edit points can be used to place a clip in a timeline, but one or two point edits are usually for rough cuts, where accuracy isn't important. 


Keying is the process of isolating a single colour or brightness value and using software to make that value transparent, allowing another image to show through. Premier allows users to surf through keying pre-sets, located in the effects panel under 'video effects'.

'Ultrakey' is a pre-set located in the keying folder. This pre-set identifies a specific colour to remove. you can key out any colour but in order to isolate one area from the rest, the background colour must be distinctly different.   


tools such as 'ultrakey' are their most effective after extensive adjustment and experimentation. Playing around with a pre-sets 'effect controls' is vital for a successful effect. In the example below, the green screen within the footage is poorly lit. this requires major attention during the editing process. Some useful adjustments can be made to...

The setting menu
Aggressive - expands the pixel colour range for added transparency.
relaxed - contracts the pixel colour range for reduced transparency.

Matte generation 
transparency - adjusts transparency of the source image when keyed over a background.
highlight/shadow - adjusts opacity of the light/dark areas in the source image.
tolerance - adjusts the range of colours selected.
pedestal - filters out noise from the alpha channel and can improve the key when working with low light footage. 


Text can be added to a timeline by using the 'T' tool and dragging over the preview window. Premier has multiple text pre-sets under the 'graphics' tab.
