From Script To Screen - The Step Outline

The Step Outline

Scene One
Maybel Community Centre is established using a handheld camera, manned by Sive, who explores the centre's exterior grounds. Further filming reveals possible neglect and laziness; phones aren't being picked up and club spaces are being poorly handled.

Scene Two
The exploration transitions into an ongoing interview with Patrick, the activity co-Ordinator at Maybel community centre. It is revealed that the centre is at risk of council funding cuts. Patrick sews his love for fishing and being an enthusiastic angler hobbyist into the interview.

Scene Three
The camera crew, Sive and Dave, follow Patrick down the hallway towards rumouring drama in reception. A group of elderly ladies are upset, the gymnasium has been overbooked; a science fair Is taking place as their aerobic class is supposed to begin.

Scene Four
Sive explores the science fair with his camera, wasting time whilst Patrick deals with the issue in reception. Two pupils and their projects receive an interview, one of which is interrupted by the aerobic ladies as they barge into the gymnasium. The ladies begin their aerobics class despite the ongoing science fair. During the other pupil interview, a van der Graaff sparks a fire, violently spreading throughout the poorly organised and overcrowded gymnasium. The scene ends abruptly.

Scene Five
Sive is revisiting Maybel community centre a month after the fire. Patrick has been keeping the centre-users occupied with outdoor activities, mainly fishing. Patrick reveals ambitious plans for a new community centre, ignoring the funding cut crisis that plagued the old community centre
a month prior...
