Lighting & Rendering 1: Arnold Part 1

Light Filters

Arnold light filters to give extra attributes to lights.

Gobo spot light filter – metal silhouette that goes over a light to cast a shadow. This allows a shadow to be cast without creating the object casting it. This is a great tool for my 'fantastic voyage' project animation, as I will need to cast the shadow of trees. Adjusting ‘filter mode’ and density in the settings can create variations in the gobo light e.g. shadow opacity, light exposure. 'Offset' moves the position of the image/ shadow. Gobo Render:
Barn door light filter – adjusting the attributes alters the boarders of the light. Blurring can also be achieved to reduce sharp edges.
Light decay – effects the light falloff of a light and its filters.
Barn Door and Light Decay Render:
Light blocker – uses shapes to block lights from areas where the shape is positioned. The density of the shape effects how much light it lets through. The example shows how a sphere has been used with a light density to reduce the amount of light within a spherical space. Light Blocker Render:
