Organic Modelling - Tongue, Teeth & Eyeball

To begin modelling a tongue, a cube is created, and manipulated into the shape in the image.

Faces and edges are moved outwards to create curvature and volume to the tongue.

The tongue is mirrored, the top curvatures are further defined by moving the faces upwards, exaggerating the shapes of the tongue.

A lattice is used to help fit the tongue into the mouth.

A similar process is used to create the teeth; beginning with a square and adding edge loops to create a more rounded shape. The tooth is then inserted into the mouth.

The modelled tooth can then be duplicated across, completing the mouth.

The eyeball needs to be replaced for a more comprehensive model. A new sphere is formed, and an indentation is created roughly where the iris and pupil will be.

A duplicate sphere is inserted on top of the original, and the vertexes within the indentation are pushed out the opposite way, creating a slight surface change, defining the iris to the white of the eyeball.

The new eye is inserted onto the model, and the character is now ready to be textured. To help with the texturing process, attributes are placed in layers, and the outliner is cleaned up.
