Robin's Animated Sequence
During a traditional life drawing session, I was set the task of capturing thirteen key poses from Robin's (the subject) movement sequence using pencil and paper. With these poses, I then transferred them into adobe animate and digitally filled in the space between. The outcome is a 132 framed animation that roughly communicates Robin's original sequence, from a hunched ball to a well-postured character holding a hat and cane.
I tried not to focus on detail, and practiced proportion instead. I found it hard to create positions from scratch, but I think the outcome has a decent level of fluidity.
With practice, I think I would find improvements with scale and positioning; my animation shrinks and grows, and also moves around the screen unrealistically. Some motions also feel stiff.
Compared to my first 'walking' animation, I think my 2d animation skills have slightly improved.
Below shows the original sketches that I used as reference for this animated sequence...